Home Inspiration Jonas Fleuraime: Artist Of The Day

Jonas Fleuraime: Artist Of The Day


Jonas Fleuraime is our featured artist of the day on Designrfix.com. In this series of posts, we will spotlight talented artists ranging from illustrators to graphic artists all the way to industrial designers. These daily posts will serve two purposes; first, is to showcase the works of these accomplished artists and the second is to inspire all of you artists and designers out there, in evolving art through thoughtful exchange of technique & inspiration. Tune in daily to see who the next artist of the day will be…who knows, maybe you could be our next featured artist!
Jonas Fleuraime is an Freelance Designer based in United States. He specializes in Graphic Design, Typography and Digital Art. To stay up to date and find out more about Jonas, check out his Network.


View, Follow and Share

HomePage: www.justevolve.net

Blog: www.blog.justevolve.net

Behance: www.behance.net/justevolve

Twitter: @just_evolve

Facebook: www.facebook.com/jonasfleuraime

Deviantart: www.fleuraime.deviantart.com


Want more on Artist of the Day? Check out some of my previous post:

 Just Evolve x Nike SB “LACED”


Bob Marley-Exodus



Darth Vader: The Sith Lord


Nike Theory

Just Evolve Self Identity

Technologic-Daft Punk


Redemption Song-Bob Marley

The Dream-MLK Jr.
