Home Inspiration Clement de Bruin: Artist Of The Day

Clement de Bruin: Artist Of The Day


Clement de Bruin is our featured artist of the day on Designrfix.com. In this series of posts, we will spotlight talented artists ranging from illustrators to graphic artists all the way to industrial designers. These daily posts will serve two purposes; first, is to showcase the works of these accomplished artists and the second is to inspire all of you artists and designers out there, in evolving art through thoughtful exchange of technique & inspiration. Tune in daily to see who the next artist of the day will be…who knows, maybe you could be our next featured artist!

Clement de Bruin is an Illustrator based in Cape Town, South Africa. He specializes in Graphic Design, illustration and Typography. To stay up to date and find out more about Clement, check out his Network.


View, Follow and Share

HomePage: http://www.clementdebruin.com

Blog: http://speelgrond.blogspot.com

Twitter: @speelgrond

Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/clementdebruin

Behance: http://www.behance.net/speelgrond


Want more on Artist of the Day? Check out some of my previous post:

Emeric Trahand: Artist Of The Day

Teodoru Badiu: Artist Of The Day

Kerem Beyit: Artist Of The Day

David Vicente: Artist Of The Day

Andreas Preis: Artist Of The Day

Yu Cheng Hong: Artist Of The Day


 Let Yourself Love A Wild Thing


 After Dark Social Club







  Flash Portfolio

 Chew Magazine – T-Shirt Illustration


 Mingo Lamberti (design competition submission)


 Cape Town Playing Cards






 Halloween Jam Poster – 2010


 Hansa Pilsener – Springleap Competition


 City Slickers Exhibition